Yesterday, a brand new show,The Shannara Chronicles, premiered on MTV. It takes place a dystopian universe where creatures of legend exist. In this world, though we see mythical creatures, no one believes magic is still around. Elves are the majority race in this world.Not many humans are seen in the first episode, implying that they are probably the minority. Other creatures such as trolls and ogres also roam the earth. The elves guard a sacred tree that keeps demons contained. But, it appears the tree is dying and with each fallen leaf a demon will be freed. Soon a great hoard of demons will rise threatening all life. It’s up to the main characters, the elven princess, a scavenger girl, and a half-human/half elf boy with a hidden destiny, to help save the world.
While the first episode was a little hard to follow, the universe itself is interesting. The books probably explain better how the world reached this state. But my question is, if this is the future, where did the trolls and ogres come from? I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen any ogres running around lately.Also, the main characters’ personalities don't shine through particularly well in the first episode. Right now they all seem foolish and just a tad bit annoying but I think they could change as the story moves further along.Of course like most teen shows there is romance between characters. But once again there is going to be a love triangle. Am I the only one getting sick of those? The romance itself feels forced and not very believable.
There is plenty of gore and violence if that's something you're into. Be warned there is lots of blood so it is not for those with sensitive stomachs. Overall, It isn't a bad show. It is worth giving a try. The first episode probably isn't a good representation of the whole season.
Written by Jasmine Bonner
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