16 and Pregnant, a famous MTV show, has been on since 2009. The reality show details the lives of girls who, you guessed it, are sixteen years old and pregnant. A lot of people have debated whether or not the show is encouraging teenage girls to get pregnant by glamorizing pregnancy. I happen to disagree. I have watched this show since I was younger than the girls starring in the episodes. Never once did I see raising children as a fun experience that I wanted to go and try myself.
In most situations the girls get pregnant and then decide they are going to keep their baby. In the beginning, their boyfriends hang around and help them pick out things for the baby. But then after the baby is born, the girls slowly start to realize that they are on their own. Their friends are busy finishing high school and their boyfriends are out goofing around somewhere. All the plans of moving out of their parents houses go down the drain when they realize they can't even afford diapers. It is very rare to see the boyfriend stick around to help take care of the baby.
Other girls struggle with deciding whether or not to give their baby up for adoption. Sometimes they decide to keep the baby but realize they are not capable providers. Other times they choose to give the baby up but have a hard time letting go.
To me there is nothing glamorous about watching a teenager trying to handle the responsibility of keeping a human alive. Its sad to see idealism and optimism die when young girls realize the boy they trusted and loved has abandoned them.
There is never an episode where a girl’s life was made easier or more fun by being a teen mom. I think young girls should be allowed to watch it. To show them why it is important to talk to their parents and be careful who they trust. 16 and Pregnant shows girls the consequences of not being safe and making hasty decisions that could affect the rest of their lives.
Written by Jasmine Bonner
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