Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Skype Hiding IP Addres in Next Update

If you ever use Skype to communicate with people while playing video games then you can potentially be ddosd. A ddos attack is a distributed denial of service, that will fry your router (not literally).
With Skype hiding your IP address you're still not safe cause when you play online games your IP address is still vulnerable to anyone that wants to ddos you.

I personally like the much needed update as it offers a buffer to someone who wants to ddos, because when i play any online computer games I like to invite other people to a Skype call so that we have some communication. Having been ddosed multiple times it's a relief to know that I can now safely add anyone I meet to a skype call without the potential of my router getting fried.

So I realize that my quick explanation of a ddos attack isn't that great so click this link for a detailed explanation of what ddosing is.
Written by Dustin Jones

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