Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Easy Meal to Keep Your New Year's Resolution?

English Muffin Pizzas are an extremely quick, easy, and cheap meal. They only require ten minutes of your time, maybe fifteen if you are lazy. If you have ever made a pizza, then you would know that spooning some sauce over a flat surface and sprinkling on ingredients is not hard. There might be a video of a monkey doing that, if there isn't, there needs to be one. English Muffin Pizzas require $12 max if you decide to get quality ingredients from Farm Fresh.

In order to make English Muffin Pizzas, you will need:
  • English Muffins
  • Red Sauce (from a can or from a fancy jar, any will do)
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Any other toppings you want (remember this is healthy pizza, that would mean pepperoni, bacon bits, processed ham and sausage should not be on your pizza. Instead use turkey bacon cut and pulled into tiny pieces, real ham from the deli, or really no meat at all.)
  • A spoon
  • A microwave or oven
  • Plate or cooking sheet
  1. If  you are using the oven, set the oven on 400 degrees. If you are using a microwave, then do not do anything
  2. Take an one English muffin and cut it in half. (1 English Muffin will suffice for snack, 2 would suffice for a meal.)
  3. Place English muffin on plate or cooking sheet.
  4. Add sauce to both pieces of English muffin. (One normal sized spoon should do the trick, two if a small spoon. If any more, it's too much red sauce which will add too much sodium content to your English muffins, remember this is healthy and making you happy by eating healthy pizza)
  5. Add any other ingredients including cheese.
  6. Place English muffin pizzas in the microwave for 1 minute or until you start hearing sounds. Or place the pizzas in the oven for 5 minutes.
  7. Check your pizzas to see if they are cooked to your view of perfection and viola.

That’s it! This is a great meal and a great way to stay healthy.

Written by Keira Zirkle

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