Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Favorite MTV Shows

Parental Control

Parental Control is a “reality” dating show. The parents of a boy or girl dislikes their child’s significant other. So they meet with a bunch of potential dates and each parent chooses someone for their child to go on a date with. After the child goes on the dates, they get to decide whether they will stay with their significant other or date one of the new people their parent chose. Honestly it's just the poor man’s bachelorette but cruder.

Now it’s by no means a good show. It’s clearly fake and exaggerated. But it is so funny to watch the ludicrous behavior of the boyfriends or girlfriends of these people. And the parents reasons for hating them are ridiculous. “Jeremy is always drinking directly out of the milk carton!”

True Life

True Life is another reality tv show but rarely humorous. It consists of Mtv following around real life people who do odd, bizarre, or unique things. Some people have strange fears or addictions. Others simply live strange lifestyles. No episode is exactly alike.

I enjoy seeing other people live lives different from my own. Not everyone on the show makes wise choices but the show accurately represents humanity. We are all wild, crazy, foolish and just plain irrational. If you watch this show try not to judge other people too hard (Unless they're doing something that's just dangerous or  stupid on purpose then judge all you want)


Yet another reality MTV show. And you guessed it, another dating show. (Hey if it ain't broke, don't fix it) People who are in love with their best friend plan the perfect date. Then they ask their friend to help them get ready for the date. Then when they get to the location the person who is in love confesses to that friend.

The best part of the show for me is the rejections. Some people you can just tell are set up to fail. They've waited too long, or their friend doesn't see them that way. Either way it's like a sad/funny moment. We've all been rejected at least twice by someone we like and while it feels like te end of the world, it isn't.. Its also cute to see it work out. Sometimes the other person is like “omg i've liked you too i've just been scared to say anything.” And then i say awwww because i'm a huge sap.


Definitely one of the funniest shows on Mtv. It has been on for 4 years and it still gets more and more funny. The show is about a regular girl named Jenna who has a lot of awkward moments (hence the name.) We watch Jenna take what could be the worst situation and turn it around. She has regular problems like being average at school and being too boy crazy at times. Most of all she constantly embarrassing herself. But she learns and grows as the show goes on and you start to grow with her.  

We can all relate to Jenna and her awkwardness.

Girl Code

Girl Code hands down is hilarious and inspiring at the same time. It gives you great advice from all different kinds of women. Sometimes it's not even advice but more like rants about things all girls can relate to. And if you're a guy, it's just plain funny. I've learned so much about myself and about how to relate to other girls by watching this show.

All of these shows are really good. I recommend watching them. Girl Code, Awkward, and True Life all still make new episodes. Friendzone just recently went off the air but you can still watch it on MTV’s website. Parental Control is old but there are episodes on MTV.com and Youtube.

Written by Jasmine Bonner
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