Thursday, January 28, 2016

Don't Worry, Be Happy

College. It's something you hear about most of your life, especially in high school. Once you hit the ninth grade you're supposed to work hard to get the highest grades possible. Now, I have nothing against furthering your education, but you DO NOT have to go to college. I know a lot of jobs require it but if you don't feel that college is for you, then you have to explore other options.

  1. Take time to explore yourself. And yes  I know that’s what every teen indie movie and book  says. But you don't want to end up depressed and distressed because you pursued something you never wanted. You’ll force yourself to take all these classes and declare a major because of parents or peer pressure or some other reason that has nothing to do with what will make you happy. Do what is best for you.
    1. First, start small. If you don't want to skip out on college all together, try community college. Take one educational class and one class just for fun, just for the sake of learning something new.
    2. Get a job. Whether it’s at a fastfood place or a clothing store, a job will definitely help you learn more about responsibility. Maybe youll love it, maybe you'll hate it but no matter what it would be an experience.
    3. Try new things. Do stuff you haven't done before or that you were told you shouldn't do. How are you gonna make huge life decisions if you can't even wear that skirt you want or dye your hair that crazy color??? Your parents won't be there to tell you what to do forever. Take risks. Not going to college is one of the biggest risks you can take, if you can do that , you can do anything.
  2. Concentrate on your talents and abilities. Never say you aren't good at anything. That isn't true. Everyone is good at something. Maybe it's art or music or just being kind to other humans.  Take that talent and work at it.
    1. Take some kind of class or find an internship that can help you further your abilities.
    2. Do community service if you have more of an emotional or compassionate sort of talent.
    3. Find other people who share your talent and exchange information with them. You learn something or you'll teach someone else something.
  3. Breathe. Do not Panic. The future is not set in stone. Not going to college does not mean you are destined for failure.
    1. None of us are built the same way. We all learn differently and live different lives.You know your limitations. Don’t push yourself over the edge. Even if you go to college you cannot control what will happen in your future. Instead of focusing on the worst or best possible scenarios just live in the present. Make the present better than the future. If the present isn't what you want it to be just push through until you can change it.

I'm not saying any of this will help. I'm only 18 years old and the future terrifies me. I hope that  I’m making the right choices and that I'll succeed but I'm not sure. All I know is that focusing on how bad the future could be isn't going to do anything for me. So, don’t worry.

Written by Jasmine Bonner

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