Friday, November 6, 2015

Christmas (Music) Time Is Here

  It's the beginning of November and Hallmark has already cracked out the corny Christmas movies. Stores are selling decorations and egg nog is filling up the refrigerators. Right now, i'm listening to christmas music and we haven't even reached  Thanksgiving. While some think that is excessive or unnecessary,  I live by the philosophy that everyday should be treated like Christmas. My favorite way to celebrate the season: Christmas Music.
Some may choose to wait until December to break out the Christmas albums, but I’m already listening to them in July. By November 1st, you can bet that most of the songs I listen to are Christmas tunes. Most of my favorite Christmas memories involve music. My favorite Christmas album  has always been the well titled Christmas by Michael Bublé. My mom always lets me listen to it when we decorate the tree. Afterward, she always breaks out her Jackson 5 cd. While everyone’s entitled to their preparation time or lack thereof for Christmas,  it’s my opinion that it’s  never too early to listen to Christmas music. What do you think? Comment below!

Written by Jasmine Bonner

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