Monday, November 23, 2015

Muslims Aren’t Out To Get You

     Why, in 2015, does where we come from and what we look like define us? It's no secret that the world is full of prejudice. We see examples of that prejudice throughout history; however, with the tragedy of 9/11 and the recent terrorist attacks on Paris, some people have become extremely prejudiced against Muslim people. The Islamic religion is a peaceful one. ISIS has claimed to practice the Islamic religion yet they attack mosques and kill innocent people.
     I've never personally met anyone who is Muslim, but I know that it’s wrong to blame a whole people group for the mistakes of some. We should be standing together at this time of crisis. Christian, Islam, Jewish, whatever religion you are, we are supposed to respect our differences even if we don't believe the same thing. When countries stand together we are stronger against our common enemy. Instead of turning against the muslim people and those who practice the islamic religions, we should be defending them from the undeserved slander they receive. They are not terrorists and they are not responsible for the actions of ISIS. The Islamic religion is not at fault.

Written by Jasmine Bonner

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