Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rhonda Rousey VS. Herself

   Almost everyone saw that brutal fight between Rhonda Rousey and Holly Holms. Even though I cringed at Holms’ knockout of Rousey with a swift kick to the neck, I have very little sympathy for Rhonda at the moment. She should quit fighting and go into fortune telling. Rousey is the only person I know of that, as cocky as she, is predicted her own loss, and the exact way she would lose. Rousey stated "I feel like she's going to try and like, keep distance and keep far away from me and get me frustrated until a point I make a mistake and she can try and kick me in the head.

Unfortunately for Rhonda, she was right.Holms saw an opening, took it, and that was the last thing Rousey saw.  Wow, she is like Ali. Well only in the aspect that she made a prediction and it came true. Ali predicted which rounds he would win and Rousey predicted how she would lose. Maybe I should lighten the mood and say at least she’ll  grace the cover of UFC2, unless Holly Holmes gets it,  since she is in my eyes, "the best female fighter in the world".

I say this is a type of poetic justice for Rousey. You can't only have twelve fights your career and say you’re the greatest. As a Rousey fan, I hope that she takes time off, makes a game plan, and come back stronger than ever. Ronda next time predict how you will win so you can get your belt back, and so your fans, like myself, can stop hearing flack from the media!

Written by Josh Lewis

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