Thursday, February 18, 2016

Top 10 Things I'll Never Understand

  1. Why can I never find what I’m looking for when I need it
    1. I've spent hours searching for something i swear I just saw a few days ago. where could it possibly have gone ??
  2. How to make a headband out of your own hair
    1. I've seen pictures of these braid headbands on pinterest. I attempted it once and knotted my hair.
  3. Why so many dog people hate cats
    1. Cats are so cute and nice. But one bad interaction with a cat and suddenly cats are the devil’s advocate.
  4. Why gym shorts are so unflattering
    1. The shorts are very baggy and impossibly long. The waist is so wide you're practically swimming in them.
  5. The ending of Allegiant
    1. I refuse to give away the ending but seriously don't even pick the book up unless you want to be disappointed.
  6. Why you need work experience for a job but you need a first job to get the work experience
    1. I keep applying for jobs and 9 times out of 10 they require work experience. Don’t they understand that’s why I’m applying in the first place????
  7. People who wear shorts in the winter
    1. Just look at the temperature. There is literally snow falling from the sky are you out of your mind?
  8. People who wear all black in the summer
    1. In case you're unaware, black absorbs heat. So when the temperature is above 80 degrees I wouldn’t suggest your favorite band t shirt as summer appropriate clothing.
  9. Who put cherries inside of chocolate
    1. It's literally the grossest combination EVER. It's slimy and the cherry taste like a factory.
  10. Why we have to go to school at 7 IN THE MORNING
    1. Try waking up everyday at 6 a.m. There's nothing fun about it. Then I’m expected to concentrate properly in my first class. No.

These are just a few of the things that confuse me on any given day. What frustrates you? Comment down below!

Written by Jasmine Bonner

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