This weekend I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to participate in The Division beta. I say this because so many people wanted to be in the beta and because of this a lot of the people that should have gotten access didn't such as a friend of mine.
When I hopped into the beta I was amazed by how Ubisoft made New York City look so beautiful, granted I do play on console so if you play on PC then The Division looks even better. In fact the version of New York City in the Division is almost a perfect replica. Really if there was no UI in the game then it would be very immersive.
The game play is centered around taking cover and getting the enemies out of cover so you can shoot them. If you don't take cover then you most likely will die. Another part of the gameplay is stats such as health and damage, you can be a tank and absorb bullets coming at you, be a glass cannon and melt people with damage, or just have your stats balanced. There is also a star that affects your abilities, but there wasn't enough in the beta to expand that stat on. You can have up to 3 people in a group so I think Ubisoft made it so each member could specialize in one of the three categories because there is also 3 categories for abilities. Speaking of playing with a group, I had no one to play with so the beta got boring after I did all there was to do so let's hope that there is more to do in the full game. I watched gameplay on Twitch and really the only thing that the division is lacking is stuff to do, so I'm hoping that Ubisoft will add events and other things to make it more interesting.
Overall I give the division beta a 7/10 and I hope the full game is a 9/10
Written by Dustin Jones
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