Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Profiles: Jasmine Bonner

Jasmine Bonner is a self taught artist and writer. She has always enjoyed creating things whether it's sketching, painting, or sculpting things, preferably with clay. She began to draw around the age of four and has been practicing ever since. "My favorite thing about art is getting my ideas down on paper the way I see them in my mind," Jasmine said. Her favorite things to use are pastel colored pencils because blending is much easier with them. The most frustrating thing for her is when her drawing or painting doesn't turn out the way she had planned initially. She tries her best to make all of her artwork the best she can make it and it's really maddening when it doesn't turn out the way she wants it to. Jasmine would rather use smaller sketch books over bigger ones because the smaller ones are easier to carry around or draw quick ideas in.
For writing, she fears that people won't like her stories or that she will be too unoriginal. She began to write in the seventh grade, at age thirteen. Although art is her preference, she still finds joy in writing. Instead of using paper she uses her mind and computer to type random stories. "Typing is definitely easier because I can easily erase my mistakes or delete what I don't want in my writing. If I use paper, I have the scratch out a ton of stuff and then everything looks messy," says Jasmine. Her favorite writer is Stephen Chbosky, the author of Perks of Being a Wallflower. She feels the emotions for all the different characters in the book and it makes her love it. Although Jasmine doesn't plan to major in either art or writing, she plans to be an elementary teacher which means she can pass on her talents and creativity to her students.

Written by Emily Taylor

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