Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What's So Bad About Bad Words?

Curse words have always had a bad connotation, but what if we are more strict about them than we should be? What if we are putting too much stress on words that were made by man? Swear words may not be as bad as they seem. Some curse words were altered from biblical meanings to have meanings other than what they were meant for. In my opinion there is nothing in the Bible that say thou shalt not say words that people made up to be bad. Although I do not curse, I have no bias against or towards those "swear words". Take the word that's often substituted for poop for example. It has a Germanic origin, meant diarrhea, and originally had no vulgar connotation.

In all honestly, I feel we are too concerned with words that mean nothing of importance and are judged thoroughly by the words that we say. Why not "judge a person by the content of his character." I know it's cliche but it's true, words do not make a person a good nor bad individual his/her actions do.

Written by Josh Lewis

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