Gun control, love it or hate it, guns will always be apart of the American society. Our country was developed around guns, but a lot has changed since then. Our founding fathers could not have anticipated the amount of people we were going to have. In addition to the large number of people, we also have a society that has a strong desire for gun ownership. There are many pros and cons to gun ownership, but overall it is naive to think we would ever turn our backs on arms. After all, it is in one of our amendments. In the following paragraph I want to give a couple of suggestions that could help tighten up gun laws, and no to all you conservatives who think I wanna take away guns.
First, there should be psych evaluations for each legal gun owner. Although these tests would be tedious, they would show us how that gun owner would possibly perform in a high stress, fast reaction setting. In doing that, we would weed out a lot of gun owners who are more gung ho with their weapons. Secondly, there are cases of people getting legal fire arms without the proper background screening. If that screening had been a little more in depth authorities could have seen the violent patterns that were overlooked as simple misdemeanors. I am all for guns in houses as long as they are kept responsibly and never left unattended around a child.
Written by Josh Lewis
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