Thursday, April 14, 2016

Top 10 Memories - Kenny

  1. My final football game in high school
    1. I’ve played football for 7 years of my life and it has truly transformed into one of my favorite passions. Being that I’m a senior and it is my final year of high school, I had to prepare for my final game. That day came in November as I was on my crutches in Quantico, Virginia, watching my teammates play in the championship game, while I tried to coach them to victory. When the final second passed, I was in tears as all of my fond memories of football came flooding back into my mind.
  2. My Touchdown
    1. One of my dreams in football was to score a touchdown. I had waited 6 long years of scoreless games and all I wanted was to score. You see as an offensive and defensive lineman, my job is to assist others in scoring and prevent others from doing so. So in my final game that I played in, my coach handed me the ball and I was able to make it across the goal line and score my touchdown.
  3. Seniors win the spirit stick
    1. Since I was in 6th grade, I’d always wanted to win the spirit stick. Some years there were grades that were just better than us and some years our class just didn’t feel like trying. But this year, to model our theme of go big or go home, the seniors pulled it all together and we screamed our heads off and won the stick.
  4. Homecoming Court
    1. My sister attended Hampton Christian until 2006, and when she was a senior, she was elected a senior princess, so since then I’ve wanted to follow in her shoes and try to become a homecoming prince. It was also an honor to participate because it showed that my classmates thought I was a worthy option to represent our class on the court, truly a special night.
  5. Senior trip
    1. As all the seniors can attest to, our senior trip was amazing. We had a great time and we grew together a lot as classmates. I think that one thing that really made this a great trip was the fact that a lot of the senior learned to conquer fear and step out of their comfort zone.
  6. Getting a Job
    1. Earlier this February, I applied and later got a job at Chick-fil-A. This experience changed my whole life as I lost all of my weeknights. But even though it’s not the most fun thing in the world, I have to say that the people I have met while working here are genuinely good people, these guy are fun and I get to work with my best friend Josh so I can’t complain.
  7. Progressed in friendships
    1. I knew that I had “friends” in this school, but this year I got to really find out who my genuine friends are. I found out who those people are that will be by my side when times get tough and for that I am grateful.
  8. Volleyball Senior Night
    1. My senior girls did great on their senior night. I loved getting to help lead chants to support our girls’ team and seeing them fight on and put on a great show. I loved holding posters and seeing the smile on the team’s face.
  9. 4.0 GPA
    1. Since I was in middle school I dreamed of a 4.0 GPA and for the first time ever. I was shocked if I’m being honest. I didn’t know that I was going to get that so it was truly a great moment.
  10. Graduating
    1. It’s here, it’s finally here! After finally graduating after 15 years, I will attend ODU in 2016, but it’s been a fun ride. Bye HCA
Written by Kenny Quinn

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