Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mockingjay Part 2 Review

Mockingjay pt. 2 was absolutely amazing. I have watched every installation since the very first Hunger Games and I’ve loved everyone. For those who’ve read the books, we were all prepared for the movie to be as dark as part one, but the visuals took it to an entire new level. Katniss and her crew embark on their final journey, and scar us all on the way. With heartbreaking deaths ( this is a Hunger Games movie after all) and pretty cool trick shots, the movie makes sure that this is one conclusion that we’ll never forget. It was mostly accurate to the book, even with some parts that we really didn’t want it to be. As the fourth and final Hunger Games movie, Mockingjay pt. 2 really lived up to the hype, and at least I think, did the series justice. Now, if you haven’t seen the movie, I suggest going away, getting a movie ticket, and not reading below because…


Ok, so if you’re still here, I’m going to assume you don’t care if I give away major
details. So, here’s some of my biggest likes and dislikes about the movie.

President Coin/ Snow switcheroo: When Katniss shot Coin instead of Snow, I felt really bad for President Snow. But it also made me extremely angry that Coin was so power hungry that she would kill innocent men, women, and an entire group of Capitol children. Also, another hunger games? Really? Because that worked out so well last time!

Finnick’s Death: DISLIKE DISLIKE DISLIKE. This was so uncalled for! I understand that he died in the books too, but still. There was no need!! Finnick no!!! You’re too beautiful to die like that!

Prim’s Death: Again, Major Dislike. I understand the directors really didn’t want Katniss to chose Gale, but I mean, the girl has gone through a lot. She just had to watch her sister die too and Gale had to be the reason she died? He couldn’t have just gotten really ugly instead?

Katniss and Peeta Together 5EVER: The ending of the movie was wonderful. It almost made up for the hour and forty five minutes of traumatizing death and violence the movie put us through in the beginning. It was so sweet and beautiful to see Katniss and Peeta together and at peace. The moment with them and their kids was probably the best part of the movie.

These were just some of my thoughts on the movie. I’ll probably go see it again just to hurt myself. It feels like the end of the era. What do you think? How did the end of this saga affect you? Comment below!

Written by Zoe Jones and Emily Taylor

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