Monday, October 19, 2015

Would I Live on Mars?

If I had a chance to go to Mars, I would not.
Recently, NASA announced a suprising discovery on Mars. Rovers on the close planet picked up images that showed the possibility of water on the previously thought barren planet. This discovery has sparked a whole new round of debates. With water comes the possibility of a colony to Mars. This begs the question, if given the opportunity would you go to Mars? My answer: Heck no! There are so many reasons why I wouldn’t go to Mars. If I wrote them all dowm, this would turn into a book, so, for your conveince, here are five reasons why Mars is not for me.
  1. No Way Back
One of the biggest reasons why I wouldn’t go to Mars is the permanent feel of the whole thing. This isn’t a simple move to another state, it’s a move to a whole other planet! Why would I give up my life on Earth to go somewhere where I have no idea what could happen?
  1. Oh, only possible death
No human has ever been to Mars before. Even with the possibility of water on the planet, it still doesn’t get rid of all the risks. I’d rather not be a guinea pig, please.
  1. Entropy (loss of muscle)
Now I love laying around as much as anyone. But, when you go to Mars your bones and muscle will start to deteriorate and after a while your body while not be able to cope with normal Earth conditions.
  1. No More Internet
Now I admit, this reason is more about comfort. But, I still really don’t want to give up my internet. This would mean no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other site that I love.
  1. What About Candy??
Again, this reason could be seen as a little bit selfish. But, I think that food really is a life or death situation. Space food is cool for a while, but for the rest of my life? Even if we were able to grow crops, I feel like I would get sick of vegetables, really, really, quickly.
These are my five reasons for not wanting to go to Mars. 
What about you?
Comment below on whether or not you’d go!

Written by Billy Coles

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