Tuesday, October 13, 2015

September: Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

It is September and fall has arrived! However, one thing many people do not know is that September is Childhood cancer awareness month. The purpose of childhood cancer awareness month is to remember the children that have lost their battles with cancer, support those still fighting, and inform others of the truth and reality of childhood cancer. People do not realize how many families are affected by childhood cancer each year! According to Cancer.org about 10,380 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in 2015. Childhood cancer rates have actually increased in the past several years. But, fortunately treatments have become more affective. 80% of children who have undergone cancer treatment now survive at least 5 years or more out. Survival rates still depend on cancer type and treatment type, but for the most part significant improvements have been made. In order to continue improving treatments and allowing the survival rate to increase, childhood cancer research needs more funding than it is currently receiving from the government. So this September remember to honor those who have fought the battle against childhood cancer, and show support to those still fighting. Comment below and tell us what you think!

Written by Hannah Kjelvik 

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1 comment:

  1. Great article Hannah, the best thing people can do is spread the word and write elected officials asking for more funding for Childhood Cancer Research. 4% of funding is NOT enough, when we are talking about our future!!
