Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Drowning in Homework

We've been in school for a month and I’m getting more and more homework. It seems like every teacher thinks their homework is our main focus. Everyone takes at least seven classes and most days I get homework in every class. While I understand that homework is necessary, I wish that the teachers would consider the amount of stress and pressure they put on the students. Just because I’m a senior doesn't mean I’m some kind of machine. Even us upperclassmen can’t just absorb information and spit it out.
People like to tell us that instead of complaining, we should spend our time doing our work. So let’s do the math. It’s a Tuesday night...each teacher gives at least half an hour of homework. For my dual enrollment classes, that number goes up to an hour. Oh and we’re not done. Let’s add to that fact that tonight, our volleyball team has an away game. Our estimated time of arrival back home: 8:30. So, with travel time; I’m arriving home around 8:45. Putting aside reality, if there’s food waiting for me when I get home, and I eat during my shower, I can start my homework at 9:15. With half an hour of work for five classes, and an hour for two, I should be done with my work by the oh so early time of 1:45 A.M. This leaves me with two choices; finish my homework, or being able to function at school. And people wonder why we’re tired?
The older I’ve gotten,  the more stress I am put under. We seniors and juniors also have the added stress of standardized tests and choosing a college. We are also expected to remember everything. If the homework load could be lessened, then maybe grades and attitudes would show an enormous improval. But, like teachers have said, homework is something that’s always been there, and will always be there. Until then, we’re left with the famous quote from sky high. “ If life were to suddenly get fair, I doubt it would happen in high school.”  What do you think? Comment your thoughts below!

Written by Opinion Editor:Jasmine Bonner

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